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Case studies
Nashulai Maasai Conservancy

By restoring the migratory and connecting corridors at Nashulai there’s been a massive return of wildlife taking up both temporary and permanent residence at our conservancy.

Increasing community engagement to tackle wildlife crime in Murchison Falls National Park

The project Park action plans: increasing community engagement in tackling wildlife crime’ aims to address the factors leading to wildlife crime in Murchison Falls National Park (Uganda), to promote co

Bringing back wildlife to Akagera National Park

In 2010 African Parks and the Rwanda Development Board came together to establish the Akagera Management Company (AMC) to jointly run Akagera National Park in Rwanda.

Supporting communities and law enforcement in the Greater Kafue Ecosystem

Panthera is working closely with the Zambian Department of National Parks and Wildlife on two projects in the Greater Kafue Ecosystem, Zambia.

Kaindu Conservation Project

In 2015, Kaindu Natural Resources Trust (KNRT) embarked on an initiative to run a community game ranch in partnership with Royal Kafue and with support from The Nature Conservancy (TNC).

Lower Zambezi Fisheries Management Project

The project was implemented by Conservation Lower Zambezi (CLZ) to increase the involvement of fishing communities in conservation activities, particularly to stop cross-border illegal wildlife trade.

The Black Mambas

The Black Mambas Anti-Poaching Unit was founded in 2013 by Transfrontier Africa NPC to protect the Olifants West Region of Balule Nature Reserve in South Africa. They are not only rangers but also role models for the rest of the community.

Wildlife Protection in the Lower Zambezi

In 1994, concerned local safari operators and other stakeholders recognised the need for organised support to the national wildlife protection authority (now the Department of National Parks and Wildlife, DNPW) to combat the poaching that was decimating the wildlife populations in the Lower Zambe

Fighting against poaching in Manda National Park

Increasing international demand for wildlife parts created pressure on the Manda National Park (MNP) in Chad and resulted in a decline of many species.

North Luangwa Conservation Programme

In 1986, in partnership with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife, the Frankfurt Zoological Society initiated a programme in one of Zambia’s unique wilderness areas.