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Case studies
The Ruvuma Elephant Project

Since 2011, PAMS Foundation has supported over 200 Village Game Scouts and rangers to undertake regular patrols. Together they have arrested many poachers and seized ivory, illegal timber, weapons, snares, poison and other poaching related tools.

Mali Elephant Project

Mali's "desert elephants" are the northernmost population of elephants, one of just two elephant populations adapted for deserts, and undertake the longest elephant migration in the world, and have coexisted with the region's many cultures for millennia.

Protecting wildlife by linking communities in Mozambique

WWF South Africa and partners have created a project with the Mangalane community of Mozambique to expand local economies and improve livelihoods as an alternative to engaging in illegal activiti

Engaging communities to prevent wildlife crime in the 'W' Transboundary Biosphere Reserve
The W Transboundary Biosphere Reserve is a key part of the W-Arly-Pendjari landscape. The area is a refuge for wildlife species that have disappeared elsewhere in West Africa or are highly threatened. It is home to the largest population of elephants in West Africa and most of the large mammals typical of the region, including the African manatee, cheetah, lion and leopard. Consequently, the area is a magnet for poachers and others engaged in IWT.