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Case studies
Community-based conservation program of three endangered Amazon River turtle species with Peruvian and Colombian indigenous communities

The program was born as a local initiative and since 2008 has been supporting Local Conservation Groups (LCGs) in indigenous communities of Colombia and Peru in the conservation of three Amazon River turtle species.

Indigenous communities join forces to protect Charapa river turtles

In 2008, WCS Ecuador started collaborating with nine indigenous communities and the Ministry of the Environment to protect charapa river-turtle populations in Yasuní National Park.

HUTAN - Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation Programme

In 1998, HUTAN, a French NGO, partnered with the Sabah Wildlife Department in Malaysian Borneo to establish the Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation Programme.

The Hawaii Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project

Widespread community engagement in a scheme based on the sustainable harvesting of olive ridley sea turtle eggs in Guatemala has contributed to a conservation success story in spite of a lack of government resources and weak legislation.