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Case studies
Yellow-naped parrot protection programme

Recognising the emerging and growing threats to the population of yellow-naped parrots, a Nicaraguan ornithological group, BIOMETEPE, partnered with Fauna and Flora International (FFI) and One Earth Conservation to implement a protection programme on Ometepe island.

Project for the conservation and sustainable use of the yellow anaconda

Uncontrolled and unregulated trade in yellow anaconda skins led to declines in numbers of the species in Argentina. In 2001 a new regulatory and administrative framework was drawn up that focussed on an approach based on sustainable development.

Birds and Binoculars in a Biosphere, Mexico

Since 2013, Incidencia y Gobernanza Ambiental (IGOBA) has been working in Sierra del Abra Tanchipa Biosphere Reserve to design a Community Bird Monitoring Programme (CBMP) intended to generate mechanisms to involve neighbouring communities in the conservation activi

Community-based conservation program of three endangered Amazon River turtle species with Peruvian and Colombian indigenous communities

The program was born as a local initiative and since 2008 has been supporting Local Conservation Groups (LCGs) in indigenous communities of Colombia and Peru in the conservation of three Amazon River turtle species.

Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust

Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust (MWCT) was established in 2000 by the Maasai of Kuku Group Ranch as a grassroots conservation trust.

Law enforcement for lizards in Guatemala

The Guatemalan beaded lizard was feared extinct as a result of the illegal pet trade, until 2002 when a local Guatemalan NGO called Zootropic began a wide-ranging conservation project to help the country’s lizard populations.

Lower Zambezi Fisheries Management Project

The project was implemented by Conservation Lower Zambezi (CLZ) to increase the involvement of fishing communities in conservation activities, particularly to stop cross-border illegal wildlife trade.

Protecting Costa Rica's Coastal Habitats: Equipo Tora Carey

Equipo Tora Carey (ETC) is an NGO working in Costa Rica to mobilise and empower local communities to help reduce the destruction of coastal marine habitats and species.

Indigenous communities join forces to protect Charapa river turtles

In 2008, WCS Ecuador started collaborating with nine indigenous communities and the Ministry of the Environment to protect charapa river-turtle populations in Yasuní National Park.

Crisis to biological management: Rhinoceros, grassland and public engagement in Nepal

In 2007 Zoological Society of London initiated a project to help conserve the greater one-horned Asian rhino and Terai grassland habitat in Nepal.