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Case studies
Community-based conservation program of three endangered Amazon River turtle species with Peruvian and Colombian indigenous communities

The program was born as a local initiative and since 2008 has been supporting Local Conservation Groups (LCGs) in indigenous communities of Colombia and Peru in the conservation of three Amazon River turtle species.

Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust

Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust (MWCT) was established in 2000 by the Maasai of Kuku Group Ranch as a grassroots conservation trust.

Law enforcement for lizards in Guatemala

The Guatemalan beaded lizard was feared extinct as a result of the illegal pet trade, until 2002 when a local Guatemalan NGO called Zootropic began a wide-ranging conservation project to help the country’s lizard populations.

Lower Zambezi Fisheries Management Project

The project was implemented by Conservation Lower Zambezi (CLZ) to increase the involvement of fishing communities in conservation activities, particularly to stop cross-border illegal wildlife trade.

Indigenous communities join forces to protect Charapa river turtles

In 2008, WCS Ecuador started collaborating with nine indigenous communities and the Ministry of the Environment to protect charapa river-turtle populations in Yasuní National Park.

Bi-national Collaboration to Eradicate Wildlife Trafficking in Belize and Guatemala

This project was developed to eradicate the flow of scarlet macaws from Belize to Guatemala, through a partnership between governmental and civil society institutions in both countries.

Kipepeo Butterfly Project

The Kipepeo Butterfly Project (KBP) was started in 1993 to provide an alternative and sustainable income for the communities living near Arabuko-Sokoke forest in Kenya.

Community Markets for Conservation

Community Markets for Conservation (COMACO) is a business that incentivises conservation and has created a market where conservation can be profitable. COMACO was designed to reward people for conserving natural resources instead of punishing them for poaching.

HUTAN - Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation Programme

In 1998, HUTAN, a French NGO, partnered with the Sabah Wildlife Department in Malaysian Borneo to establish the Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation Programme.

North Luangwa Conservation Programme

In 1986, in partnership with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife, the Frankfurt Zoological Society initiated a programme in one of Zambia’s unique wilderness areas.